
Harvard Graphics 3.0 for DOS

 What we need from you:
             A copy of your chart files (.ch3)
             Presentation files (.sh3)
             Palette files (.pl3)
             Custom palette files (.pc3)
             Imported graphic files
             Print of each page

 Slide Setup:
             Choose Chart Default Settings from the Setup menu.
             Set Chart Orientation to Landscape.
             For 35mm slides:
                  Set Chart Proportions to 35mm Slide (24mm x 36mm).
             For overheads and prints:
                  Set Chart Proportions to A (8.5 x 11").
             Set the font to either Monospace, Swiss, Times or Helvetica.
             Enter F10 to return to the Main menu.
             For 35mm slides and overheads or prints:
                  Set Chart Proportions to 35mm Slide (24mm x 36mm).

 Creating a Presentation:
             After creating the chart files:
             Choose Create Presentation from the Presentation menu.
             Enter F7 Add/Edit to list possible files to include in your presentation.
             Choose Add File (shortcut: Ctrl+Ins)
             Use F5 to select the files for imaging.
                 (Do not mark individual files used to create multiple charts
                  unless you want them imaged.)
             Press F10 twice to return to the Main menu.
             Choose Save Presentation from the Presentation menu.
             Use HGCOPY to automatically copy all of these files to disk.

 HGCOPY is a utility program included with Harvard Graphics that will copy
             a presentation you've created with all associated files. We recommend
             that you use this feature. First you must create a presentation.
                  1.  After you have created your slides and presentation,
                       exit Harvard Graphics.
                  2.  From the HG3 directory (or wherever you have loaded Harvard                                      Graphics) type hgcopy
                  3.  Select 1. Copy Files
                  4.  For Name of File to Copy, type the path and presentation file
                       you created.    i.e. c:\hg3\data\pres.sh3
                  5.  For Path to Copy Files to: type your destination (a: or b:).

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